Jewish Learning Institute -Chattanooga Chapter
The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute is the Pre-eminent provider of adult Jewish education. Witha mission to inspire Jewish learning worldwide and to transform Jewish life and the greater community through Torah study. Our goal is to create a global network of informed students connected by bonds of shared Jewish experience.
Upcoming Course - Warrior to Warrior
Sunday morning, 9:15 am
Known as the secrets of the Torah, the Kabbalah is an age-old body of knowledge exploring the inner dimensions of G‑d, man and the universe. Utilizing the teachings of the Kabbalistic and Chassidic masters, this morning study group will lead you on a journey into the self and the world around you.
Shabbat Morning Chasidut Mysticism
Shabbat morning, 9:00 am
Delve into the Chassidic denamic dimension of the weekly torah portion form the texts of Likutei Torah and Torah Or, authored by the founder of Chabad, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi. Both mystical and pragmatic, this early morning session will truly elevate your spirits and refine your view of the world around you.